Well, I wake up around 7.30, start to wake up my beautiful son Milo that strangly enough on weekdays, when it is time to go to school, doesn't want to wake up at all, but on weekend he will wake up at 7, go figure. I make him breakfast, get my first dose of coffee and make myself ready. Get Milo to school by 9 and then go back home.
Might surf the Internet for a while, checking out the likes of finn.no to see if it is any jobs, vg, dagbladet and other norwegian newspapers. Then I might start on a new sewing project or go grocery shopping. One of the highlights of my day is to figure out what to make for dinner. Reading cookbooks, improvising you know, I am a food crazy girl. I have lunch, which usually is a salad or leftover dinner since it's not so much fun to make food just for me and of course Tobia, my bernersennen dog. Here is a pic: So cute. Then I might do some actual housework beleave it or not and the it is time for me to pick up M from school at 14. Then we go home, he fills me in on everything that happend at school, which is so funny, because the things that really matter for a 3 year old, can be so different from what you are expecting. Like yesterday he told be about how he won a fight over a pillow with a bigger guy and he told me that he won because he ate all his dinner the day before and it made him get more muscles! We go to bed for a nap (yes me too) and when we wake up it's almost time for Husband to come home from work and to make ready the dinner. I feel very Pleasantville when I have dinner ready. I have to admit that I don't do that much of the floorcleaning, we have a lifesaving cleaninglady that comes on Mondays. And you know what, when you read this, you might think that this sounds great, but I can tell you that for maybe a month it is, but then it gets so boring, you don't know what to do other than slam your head against the wall! I have always worked and I miss it so much. The people, something to do...So thats how I bought the Singer and started sewing.
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